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27c-37c: First Decline

During the First Decline, mankind is splintered on hundreds of worlds among dozens of starsystems. The HyperspaceVortices prevent FTL interstellar travel, and the interstellar economy collapses.

Old Summary

Following the collapse of the interstellar community. The colonies adapt as best they can. Earth reels from the impact of alien plaques. This is still under discussion on-list.

Originally by ~JohnUghrin

During the First Decline, mankind is splintered on hundreds of worlds among dozens of starsystems. The HyperspaceVortices prevent FTL interstellar travel, and the interstellar economy collapses.

Meanwhile, Earth staggers under the destructive power of several alien plagues that rip through the population and the ecosystem.

The nearly complete cut off of various colonial worlds from each other, and from Earth, leads to major cultural changes for many worlds. On the most resource-rich worlds, civilizations survive and evolve, but on the marginal worlds, near-extinction leads some societies to be driven back to stone age levels of technology.

~AaronClausen - 05 Dec 2004