® EspaceSociety Archive

Imprinted Personality

With the profligation of FADAPs, one of the greater concerns among security experts is the development of computer applications that are harder to detect. Imprinted Personality A Is (nicknamed “I Mps”) are bits of software that are virtually identical to human interaction. It has been said that some I Mps will watch an individual’s Ether activity, then adapt to his pattern.

This unique IMP-ish behavior has caused deep concern for security specialists as it makes it harder for them to diagnose and target against FADAP activity. Many Terran Rights activists claim that many well-known programmers have been falsely imprisoned because an IMP copied their signature behaviors, then applied that behavior to attack key Imperial systems. Naturally, the Imperial government is statisfied that a cracker has been imprisoned.

It is widely believed that the Feldar Incident was the result of an IMP hacking into a system Soup-AI Hopputer and misprogramming it.


  1. FADAP
  2. Ether
  1. Imperium Equipment Index
  2. A Is
  3. I Mps
  4. Fadap
  5. Ether