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Soro Meldur Kafrah Bank

The Soro Meldur Kafrah Bank was a center of commerce and legality for much of the High Imperium. The Bank was one of only a few trading and title entities recognized by both the Imperium and the King Traih League. As such it maintained an important place in trade between the two political bodies. The origins of the Bank are far back in the First Decline, as several banks in the Fau System merged. Its importance for the Imperium begins during the Frontier Rebellion. Spanning both the rebels and the nascent Imperium, the various bank managers maintained their holdings while the conflict raged insystem.

Exactly how this political needle was threaded is uncertain. Investigations into the documents of the period reveal many non-sensical actions. It can be theorized from media reports of that period that some sort of backroom deal between the young empire and King Traih of the [Star Systems](/macropedia/star-systems)/Nguyonh had been reached. The King had many dealings with the Bank, and his success against the Alaerians may have swayed the politicians and negotiators. After all, at that time, the Imperium had no technology to compare with the Nguyonhi Assault Suits. Nonetheless, as the League was founded, the Bank became the key broker of transactions between the two bodies.

While this situation created much wealth for the Bank’s stakeholders, it was not completely invulnerable to political fortune. It was the object of several hostile actions, as well as point of leverage in many intergalactice negotiations. In later years, the Bank lost some power and influence as the League has become more skittish of trade with the Imperium. By the time of the Imperial Interregnum, the League withdrew its collabrative agreements with the Bank.


  1. Frontier Rebellion
  2. King Traih League
  3. Imperial Interregnum
  4. Star System: Fau System
  1. King Traih League
  2. Nguyonhi Assault Suits
  3. Star Systems
  4. Imperium Edition Index
  5. Fau System
  6. Frontier Rebellion
  7. Imperial Interregnum
  8. Starsystems/Nguyonh
  9. Alaerians
  10. League